Doing A Quiz: Part ????

For the first time in a long while, i’m going to be participating in The Captain’s Quiz ran by my friend Paul. I’m not even looking at the questions beforehand, so this will be a surprise for all of us.


1. You are going camping at a campground for four days and three nights. Does this excite you, or fill you with dread? Explain.

Absolutely fills me with dread. The level of dread depends on a few things–are we in a tent? If so, HIGH level of dread, I do not like being in places that don’t have a proper bathroom and proper door. You don’t know what’s out there! Or you do, and it’s bugs. A trailer or caravan presents less dread but still dread. Camping also presents difficulty food wise–there’s only so many options when camping. What do you even do for four days?? I would however be open to renting a nice trailer and traveling to various national parks and doing activities, because there are activities and new things to see. Or glamping, I could glamp. There’s real beds there.

2. They say that, “Sally sells seashells by the seashore”. How much money do you think Sally makes on a Saturday in July, and do you think her business should be set up elsewhere?

I think Sally would have to have a decent marketing campaign. It also depends how much she is charging per shell, because I can’t imagine she could realistically have much of a markup. How do you make more than like 20 bucks a day? May I refer you to this Super Bowl 2022 commercial starring Zendaya?

3. The ideal temperature for sleep is approximately 18°C (65°F). What are five tips you have for staying cool while sleeping?

Fan pointed directly at your bed, preferably one that moves. Blinds closed for a least a few hours before sleeping to ensure room didn’t get too hot. Pyjamas made out of lighter fabrics. No socks. Sheets made out of a light cool fabric.

4. In Season 4 of The O.C., Summer Roberts adopts a pet rabbit and names her Pancakes. What animal would you adopt and what breakfast food would you name it after?

A golden retriever named Waffle

5. SummerSlam is an annual professional wrestling event produced by the WWE. Thinking of yourself as a wrestler, provide the following information: your wrestling name, your character traits, your catchphrase, and the name of your most devastating maneuver.

I don’t know much about wrestling but here you go: My wrestling name would be Lucy Limber. She’s a contortionist who ran away from the circus after a devastating betrayal by one of the aerialists, and has turned to wrestling to make ends meet. The catchphrase is “YOU WILL NOT UNDERESTIMATE ME AGAIN!” Most devastating maneuver: Ferocious fan kick.

6. What is a frozen dessert you enjoy eating outside? On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the messiest), how messy is it?

Ice cream! Can range from maybe a 3 when in a cup to a 6 when in a cone. I bite my ice cream so this does speed up eating time and reduce mess.

7. You are standing in an above ground swimming pool and your sunglasses fall to the bottom. How do you retrieve them?

Try to kick them up using my feet.

8. “Walking on Sunshine” is an upbeat song by Katrina And The Waves. What songs would be on your summer playlist?

Funnily enough, I made a playlist earlier this summer! Here is the song list: Indie Rokkers by MGMT, 1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins, Canyon Moon by Harry Styles, Grapejuice by Harry Styles. Sugar Remix by Brockhampton ft Dua Lipa, 3 Nights by Dominic Fike, Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift, Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey, Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams, Silk Chiffon by MUNA and Phoebe Bridgers, Kyoto by Phoebe Bridgers, Summer Days by Martin Garrix, Macklemore, and Fall Out Boy, Don’t Kill My Vibe by Sigrid, Temperature by Sean Paul, Cake By The Ocean by DNCE, august by Taylor Swift, Shake It by Metro Station

9. What are the pros and cons of patio dining?

Pros: Get to enjoy the sunshine! Nicer view usually. Just makes it feel summery. Sometimes you get to sit on a bench. Cons: Bugs. It could rain. Seagulls. Construction noises. No chance of a booth.

10. What is a summer job you have had and how long did you remain friends/in-touch with your co-workers after the job ended?

Well Paul who made this quiz, we have been friends since we worked at camp together since like 2014, and there are other people from camp I am still friends with, so there you go.


1. You have entered the food truck business. Tell me about your new venture and your strategy to dominate the market.

Sushi on a stick. It’s sushi, but it is on a stick. The strategy is–no one has done this before, lots of people like sushi, AND it’s easy to carry.

2. You are going on a summer road trip and can take one person with you. It can be absolutely anyone. Tell me about the trip.

This is hard because it has to be someone I could travel well with, who ALSO wouldn’t mind that I don’t drive, who ALSO would be willing to do fun things. I’m going to say my friend Tess because I lived with her last year and I’m used to spending lots of time with her, and she likes driving. It would be to New York City, we would stop by Niagara Falls on the way, and also for Buffalo Wings in buffalo. Also outlet mall shopping.

3. What are some of your favourite summer memories?

Fireworks, hanging out with friends in parks and fields, summer festivals in downtown toronto, going to summer concerts, working at camp, going to see Harry Potter premieres in the summer time.

That’s it, hope everyone has a great day ❤

Doing A Quiz: Part 5

Since I was the previous champion, I feel compelled, yet again, to participate in the quiz run by my friend Paul. Let’s see if I can do just as well.


1. The Fab Five were a group of all-freshmen starters for the 1991 Michigan men’s basketball team. What is something you immediately excelled at?

Reading. My parents read to me when I was a child and I picked up reading by myself very early on.

2. One Direction was a boy band that eventually went in five directions. If you were in a five person band, would you be the first one to leave? Why or why not?

I like to think I am a very loyal person and I like having a sense of community and belonging so no, absolutely not.

3. Five Alive is a line of various fruit juice blends. Create a new drink and include any number (other than five) in its name. Tell me about the new drink.

A drink called “Mix’n Six” and every different flavour is a mix of 6 different fruits and/or vegetables!

4. In the mid-2000s, WWE Superstar John Cena had a weekly segment on called, “Five Questions With The Champ” where he answered fan questions. If you were to send a celebrity five questions, who would it be and what would you ask?

John Cena: What was it like getting into acting? What do you eat on a regular basis? Who is your favourite other wrestler who later got into acting? What made you decide to participate in that Scooby-doo Cartoon? Would you ever do DWTS or would it be kind of awkward now?

5. The San Francisco 49ers have won five Super Bowls, with their last one coming in 1995. What is something from 1995 that you wish we still had and/or did in 2021?

Regularly buying physical copies of movies and CD’s. I know it is still doable and you can, it is much harder to find machines to play them on.

6. When you type, “Where are the” into Google, what is the fifth autocomplete option?

“Where are the Canary islands?”

7. The TV show, Breaking Bad, had five seasons. What is your favourite TV show and how many seasons does it have?

I don’t know how to decide on my favourite show!! This feels like unfair pressure to put on me. I will choose the most recent addition to my pantheon of favourite shows, which is Dark, and that’s three seasons.

8The PlayStation 5 has experienced supply issues due to a chip shortage. What are your top five potato chip flavours?

Sour Cream and Onion, Regular, Sour Cream and Cheddar (Ruffles specifically), Sea Salt, All Dressed

9. “Remember, remember, the 5th of November” is a line from the movie, V for Vendetta. What do you remember about November 5, 2021?

I was working that day and we ordered the biggest McDonald’s order I have ever seen in my life. Like to the point one of the security guards at work saw us go down to pick up the order and said seeing that much McDonald’s was actively turning him off McDonald’s.

10. How would you explain the “high five” hand gesture to someone who doesn’t know what it is?

Joining the palms together as a sign of joy, support, or agreement.


1. If you could be five-years-old for the next 24 hours, what would you do?

Go to one of those activity places full of bouncy castles and bouncy obstacle courses! I used to LOVE those and it’s not really acceptable to go as an adult unless you actively have a small child. So I would spend many hours at that, and then go to a restaurant and order a kids meal. And spend the rest of the time napping and playing with toys.

2. How many five-letter words can you type in two minutes? Do it, but don’t share the words with me. Your answer to this question will only be the number of words.


3. Tell me the story behind the fifth photo in your phone (or camera, computer, photo album).

Alas it’s nothing particularly interesting ! It’s a picture of my outfit on that day (October 23 2017) and I’m pretty sure I posted it on instagram with a caption like “It was a bad day but at least my outfit is cute” because I had got caught in the rain that day and missed a bus etc.

Doing A Quiz: Part 4

Trying to get back into the swing of blogging things, so thought I would participate in “The Captains Quiz 4“! It’s halloween themed, so feels appropriately festive as well.


1. Rank your top five favourite Halloween candy and explain your choices.

  1. Mini snickers: because snickers are amazing but sometimes it can be a lot to have a whole bar so a mini bite sized version is perfect
  2. Mini caramilk: see above
  3. Mini kitkat: see above
  4. Fuzzy peaches: they’re so delicious and sweet and you don’t always get them so it’s always fun when you do
  5. Double Bubble: I’m not saying it’s the best gum in the world BUT it’s tasty enough and feels nostalgic and comes with a cute little comic!

2. In horror films, the victim normally runs upstairs while the killer is chasing them around the house. If you were to write a “what not to do” handbook for future characters in horror films, what would your chapter titles be?

It would be three chapters and they would be “leave your house,” “have back-up,” and “mind your own business”

3. If there was a monster under your bed, what would it look like?

Like Molly the doll from the Big Comfy Couch

4. I Know What You Did Last Summer follows a group of friends who are trying to keep the details of last summer under wraps, while being stalked by a killer with a hook. What is something you did this past summer that you did not share on social media?

I took plenty of naps and shockingly, I did not post about this.

5. If you were to provide a trick instead of a treat, what would your trick be?

I don’t think I’m very good at tricks. Maybe something just cute and harmless, like a skeleton hand coming out of the bowl of candy or something.

6. How long can you wear a Halloween costume before wanting to change into something else? Please provide a specific amount of time.

8-10 hours.

7. What Halloween decoration could we, as a society, do without?

The fake spiderweb stuff, mostly because people go way overboard with it and it rarely even looks that cute.

8. The songs, “Thriller” and “Monster Mash” have really cornered the market on “background-song-for-a-slideshow-of-student’s-Halloween-costumes”. What song was at the top of the Billboard Top 100 list the year you started high school? (You can find this on Google). Did you like the song?

Google tells me “We Belong Together” by Mariah Carey was number one the year I entered high school. I remember HATING that song. I found it so over wrought and so over played and I was just not into it at all. Listening back now, it’s fine and pretty fun to dramatically lip synch to. Was I just in a bad mood that year? I mean I was 13/14, so probably.

9. What is your favourite Halloween-themed movie?

ParaNorman. A fantastic movie!

10. Bobbing for apples is a cliché party game that poses multiple health risks. If you threw a Halloween party, what activities would you provide?

Pin the tail on the black cat, a spooky themed bean bag toss, dancing to the Monster Mash, learning the thriller dance, decorating Halloween themed cookies.


1. Tell me a scary story.

Paul was sitting in his room, reading a book when the doorbell rang. He stopped reading to listen to make sure it was his, and sure enough his doorbell rang again…once more…twice more…and then insistently. He looked towards the door and hesitated, not sure what to do. He had no doorbell.

2. Put two minutes on the clock. Type as much as you can about anything pumpkin related, before time expires.

I’ve never been very good at carving pumpkins. i like the idea of it but it never turns out well. Maybe because my art skills aren’t that strong. But still, when presented with a pumpkin, I will do my very best. I will carve out its organs, reveling in the feeling of them. I’ll painstakingly draw a face that I’m meant to carve, being careful, making neat shapes, even though they always end up a little uneven. And then I pick up my carving knife, and stab as hard as I can through the eyes and mouth and nose of my chosen pumpkin. It’s stress relief.

3. List all the costumes you’ve ever worn for Halloween.

Pumpkin, pink power ranger, snow white, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, rock star, witch, fantasy witch, goth cheerleader, vampire, spooky doll, black cat, angel, hermione granger, Deryn Sharp from the Leviathan books, 80s pop star, Wednesday Addams

4. Are you a scarecrow or a jack-o’-lantern?

Scarecrow, duh.

Doing a Quiz, Part 3

I can never resist answering questions in quiz form apparently, so here is Part 3 of my friend Paul’s “Captains Quiz.” Here is a link to Part 2, which has a link to Part 1!

I haven’t won yet, but it’s the journey that’s important isn’t it?


1. You and a stranger are stuck in an elevator for three hours. After how many minutes would you tell them your name?

Approximately ten minutes after it’s confirmed we are stuck in an elevator together, once we know it’s going to be a while. Might as well know the name of the person you’re stuck with.

2. You’re the first person to enter the movie theatre. Which seat do you choose and why?

In a row a few rows above the middle of the room, in a seat in the dead centre of the row if possible.

3. If you were to navigate a giant maze with one celebrity, who would it be and why do you think you’d work well together?

I’m going to say Jason Momoa because he seems nice and also he is large so if there was an emergency I know he could carry to me to safety.

4. Eggs can be cooked in many different ways. Pick one and build a meal around it. What is included in that meal?

Scrambling eggs and putting them in rice along with mushrooms, peas, baby corn, and some chicken, with teriyaki sauce on top!

5. Select the task you’d be able to complete the fastest and explain why:
A) Blow up (with your mouth) and tie 3 balloons
B) Pop 150 balloons with a thumbtack

Absolutely B. I have never, in my life, successfully blown up a balloon.

6. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is a talk show hosted by Jerry Seinfeld. Using the same format for the title (Ex. Poodles on Patios Getting Crumbs), what would be the name of your talk show?

Dancers on Decks Getting Deep.

7. Arthur is an animated educational television series for children. What are 5 television shows you watched as a child?

Magic School Bus, Bill Nye The Science Guy, Popular Mechanics for Kids, Incredible Story Studios, Country Mouse and City Mouse.

8. Pillows provide support and help keep our upper body aligned during sleep. What is the strangest place you’ve ever fallen asleep? Tell the story, if there is one.

Honestly the weirdest place is probably just a plane, which isn’t even that weird. I find it really difficult to fall asleep anywhere that isn’t a bed, I often even struggle on couches. I remember flying overnight to England (as a grown adult) with my parents to visit my brother and falling asleep with my head on my dad’s shoulder and my legs on my mom’s lap. They were displeased.

9. “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” is a song by the band, Tears for Fears. If you could be in charge of anything, what would it be?

I was going to say the internet, but that seems like too much responsibility. Maybe just specifically what job I get and when.

10. Your closet is a portal to a new “location” (think: wardrobe to Narnia), where does it lead to? What do you see?

I think it would be fun to visit a magical fairytale fantasy land of some sort, as long as I could get back. I don’t have a specific one in mind (not Narnia, the time differential is too complicated) but maybe with fairies. And dragons from a safe distance.


1. Please enter the correct 6-digit passcode to successfully escape this quiz.


Doing a Quiz: Part 2

The time has come again.

My friend Paul has posted the second iteration of the quiz he is hosting on his blog, and I am back and ready to participate. I did this before in January if you want to check out those answers. But otherwise, on to the questions.


What is the best hiding spot in your current place of residence?

Oh a good question. I would think maybe somewhere in my basement. I won’t tell you exactly where just in case.

The person walking in front of you drops $20 on the ground and doesn’t notice. What do you do?

I would stop the and say “excuse me, you dropped this.” $20 can be a lot of money for some people, and I would never allow someone to lose it if I can prevent it.

In elementary school, I read a book called, Lost in the Barrens. What is a book you read in school and what do you remember about it?

For some reason the first one that came to my mind was Maniac Magee. It was about an orphan boy, there was a lot of running involved, discussions of racism. I remember liking it but not much about it (I would have been around 12 if not younger), I should re read it.

In Eminem’s song, “Lose Yourself”, he says: “There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti.” Describe, in detail, your ideal pasta meal.

I’m counting lasagna as a pasta so: a good southern Italian style meat lasagna, fresh noodles, layers of sauce and ground meat and mozzarella, tender enough to cut with your fork.

If you and a partner went on The Amazing Race, would you be the driver, or the navigator in the backseat with a map? Explain your choice.

Definitely the navigator in the backseat with the map, because I am unable to drive. For that reason alone I don’t know if I’d be the ideal Amazing Race contestant.

In Home Alone 2, Kevin (a 10-year-old boy) ended up in New York by himself, while his entire family was in Florida. What is something you did when you were 10-years-old, that “kids these days” wouldn’t understand?

I used to go on this website that was just pages of lyrics to various famous songs, and then sometimes would have the audio to the songs as well, and I’d play the songs (sometimes even with just the instrumental) and sing along to the lyrics. Sometimes I would make up dances (and not film them).

Is Tic-Tac-Toe a fair game?

No because the first person always has an advantage.

Velma, from the Scooby-Doo series, is known for losing her glasses. If you were a character in a TV show, what would you be known for?

I feel like I should be asking a friend that question lol. I’m cold a lot so maybe for being wrapped in blankets and sweaters all the time.

What causes you to lose your temper?

People trying to control me or speak over me or doing something I’ve specifically asked them not to do.

How many contacts in your phone have you not communicated with in the last three years?

I genuinely went to go check because I knew it would be a higher number than I wish it was but: 32.


Think about items you might find in a Lost & Found. Now, draw as many of those items as you can in 60 seconds. Share your picture.

No description available.

Text someone, “I can’t find my phone.” What is their reply?

“So how are you texting me?” I can’t fool anyone these days.

You are alone in a city you’ve never been to, and have $500 to spend. What city are you in? What places do you go to? What do you spend your money on?

I’m in Rome. I visit the Colosseum. I visit the crypts and Roman catacombs. I visit the Sistine Chapel and the famous fountains. I get a light lunch between attractions and a fancy dinner later on. That should eat up most of my money.

Doing a Quiz

So my friend Paul has set a bit of a quiz challenge. I was originally going to respond to this in his comments, but my competitiveness got the better of me, and I realized I couldn’t get all the points while answering in my comments. So I will be posting my answers here. I’m being reminded of my high school years, when I used to fill out quizzes and questionnaires constantly on Facebook notes. Those were the days.


In the movie, Space Jam, Daffy Duck sneaks into Michael Jordan’s house to pick up his lucky basketball shorts. What animated character would you trust with your personal belongings and why?
I think Belle from Beauty and the Beast would be decently trustworthy. She’s certainly clever and I have faith she wouldn’t steal my things or even snoop.

What is the chorus of your favourite song?
I don’t think I have a singular favourite song, but here are lyrics from “I know the End” by Phoebe Bridgers, which I have been really into lately:

But you had to go
I know, I know, I know
Like a wave that crashed and melted on the shore
Not even the burnouts are out here anymore
And you had to go
I know, I know, I know

Complete the sentence: I wish I could ________.

The singer, Meat Loaf, said he would do anything for love, but he won’t do that. In general, what are three things you won’t do?
I won’t eat wet tuna, which I find deeply appalling as a food, I won’t smoke or do any kind of drug (no judgement if you do, but it’s not for me), and I won’t, at this current time in my life, drive (the idea of being in control of a car makes me nervous, maybe that will change)

What is the worst thing about pockets?
Only a man would ask this question

Should I be concerned about your most recent Google search?

If there was an eighth day of the week, what would it be called, and where would you place it amongst the other seven?
It would be between Saturday and Sunday to extend the weekend, it would be called Starday. Everyone would be annoyed that it sounded so close to Saturday.

When you look in the mirror, what do you see behind you?
Why would you curse me like this? Now I’m going to worry I’m haunted for the rest of the day.

You can have dinner with any three people in the world, but you must dine at a fast-food restaurant. Who are you bringing and what does each person (including yourself) order off the menu?
Predictably, I would order chicken fingers and fries. I would invite Queen Elizabeth because I want royal gossip, and also because it would amuse me to see her eat fast food fish and chips, which would obviously be her order. I would also invite Zendaya, because I love her. She is a vegetarian and would probably order fries and a veggie burger. Finally, I would invite Chrissy Teigen, because she seems like a good time and I feel like I could get some great celebrity gossip from her. She would obviously order a burger.

Think of a word (in English) and create a new, alternate spelling for it. What is the new word you have created?



On a sheet of paper, draw your happy place. Do not include words or numbers. You have 60 seconds to do this. Share the picture in your blog post.

Hope you are ready for my artistic genius:

No description available.

Text someone, “Knock Knock”. What is their reply?

The reply is simply “what” because I guess everyone assumes I’m doing something weird at all times

In your place of residence, pick up a book and turn to Page 50. What is the third sentence on that page and how does it relate to your life?

From the novel “Red White and Royal Blue” comes this sentence from page 50: Henry sighs. “Is that the time you threatened to push me in the Thames?” While I have never threatened to do this to anyone specifically–mostly because I have only been to London twice–I do think it’s possible that someone could annoy me enough that I would, indeed, threaten to push them in the Thames. I promise I wouldn’t do it though.