Rolling into 2022

My friend Paul has nominated me to share my goals for 2022. As one of my goals for 2022 is to be a more consistent blogger, I felt this was the perfect place to start (a bit early).

The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you. (Thanks Paul! I needed a prompt to write, I’ll be honest)
  • Write your own goals for next year.
  • Write how you’re going to achieve these goals. (can’t promise anything for this one)
  • Tag at least five blogger friends.
  • This last one is optional, but in 365 days, write a post about whether or not you’ve been successful.
  1. Blog More Consistently

I got a new job in August, and thus writing fell by the wayside. I didn’t want to share a lot about my job here for privacy reasons, and I think I used that as an excuse to not write more regularly. In truth, I think I spent too much time getting in my own way. I’d think I had nothing to write about, or that I had too much to write about and didn’t know where to start, or that no one would care about what I wrote about, or that I didn’t know how to write about what I wanted to write about. And I think I was being too hard on myself. My next posts will be easy to write–rounding up movies watched in 2021, talking about some books I read recently, some other round ups–but after that I want to make a concerted effort to write more frequently and not get as stuck in my own head.

2. Workout more consistently (even when its hard)

I love working out, I love being active and I always feel BETTER when I do it. And yet, because I work irregular hours and have to take my own initiative, I struggle to keep up a workout schedule consistently when I am not taking scheduled classes. It was easier to be consistent when the weather was nicer–if I didn’t feel like doing yoga or fitness workouts, for example, I could go for a nice long walk exploring nearby parks or to the botanical garden, and I always felt good afterwards. But as the weather got colder and greyer, I felt less and less motivation. I’ve also had some health problems flaring up and kicking my ass recently, and that lowered my motivation even more. As I live in Toronto–where cold weather is guaranteed for at LEAST the next two months– I want to make a point of getting into a consistent rhythm even before it warms up. I’m not one of those people who is going to get up every single day at 6 to work out with the sun, but if I can guarantee at least two days every week, I think it will be good for me.

3. Have plans for after this job

The job I am in is a contract position which finishes in June. It is likely I will have the option to renew my contract for the 2022/2023 school year, but I have yet to decide if that is an opportunity I want to take. The problem is, I don’t know what else I want to do! And I want to actively work at figuring that out. It’s something I didn’t think much about during the first few months of this job, since I wanted to focus on the job itself, but it is time to start. If I return for another school year, I want it to be because it’s the right thing for me and what I really want, and not just because I don’t know what else to do. I want to make an effort to make lists about what I love about this job, what fulfills me, what I definitely want from the next few years of my life, what I definitely don’t want, and then take action based on conclusions I come to from there. This is maybe more of a goal for the first half of 2022 specifically, but that counts.

4. Spend more time with people I care about

We are currently in another wave of COVID-19 cases here in Toronto, but once that settles down, I want to make more of an effort to reach out to people to spend time together. I find between work and the global pandemic, it’s so easy to try and make plans and never get around to them, or to make excuses to not spend time together. But I love my family, and I love (and miss) my friends, and life is short. I am committed to actually making this happen this year.

I nominate:

Is it cheating to say whoever wants to do it, can do it?? I just don’t know who has been nominated already! So if you see this, and you haven’t been nominated yet, consider yourself hereby nominated.


  1. Paul says:

    I spent too long trying to figure out if “Rolling into 2022” was to be sung in a specific tune. I have concluded that it was not. Glad I could pull you back into blogging again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sabrina B says:

      Alas it is not! I could not think of anything clever and so I simply didnt

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Paul says:

        I really tried to make a Rolling in the Deep connection but it was not there

        Liked by 1 person

  2. gigglingfattie says:

    Oh excellent goals for the new year! I also want to start working out more. Once this variant dies down a bit I’ll be joining a gym. I was gonna do it this week but then I found out I have to go back to work in my school on Monday instead of being online so I don’t want to put my little guy at risk because I need to power walk haha.

    Last year in January I started looking for my new job, and it was the best! I didn’t feel rushed and I had lots of time until the end of the school year to do interviews and really weigh my options in terms of which job offer I wanted to accept. Especially since I knew I also had to relocate over the summer. I hope you find some inspiration for your new job or some peace of mind if you renew your contract for next year!

    Hoping to read more from you in the new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sabrina B says:

      Haha I hope you do get to join a gym when its possible though!! There’s a yoga place nearby I may sign up for, it has other fitness classes as well and I think it could be doable for when this damn variant calms down

      Yay good to hear!! Relocating is actually something I am taking into account as well–would I be willing to move cities? Countries? Hopefully can figure it out haha

      Thank youuu hoping to write more


      1. gigglingfattie says:

        Yes! I have new shoes and a lock now and I am just waiting for the new variant to die out a bit haha you should join the yoga! I do yoga at home because I can’t wear my wig while doing it, it just falls off haha.

        Relocating is a big thing!! I’ve done it a lot and it does get easier but its nice to just feel settled now.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sabrina B says:

        Could you maybe do a headband or anything while yogaing? or headscarf? But yes I want to join and do a bit!!


      3. gigglingfattie says:

        It would have to be a full coverage thing. But I love yoga at home! Ive never really had the desire to take in as a class. I have been to a few classes but its not really my thing

        Liked by 1 person

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